Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Well at least I updated this one more recently than my knitting blog.

I AM SO SLOW. Is basically all.

I finished In Cold Blood. Creepy, but good. I would read more Capote.

Book 7: The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde

I'm only on book seven? This is so sad. I like Oscar Wilde, I've read something by him before. What was it? Oh yeah, The Importance of Being Earnest. Good, humorous stuff. I am really saying nothing too deep here am I. I am sorry, I am distracted by various frustrating things.

But side note, Walt Whitman was gay? My american lit teacher never told me that. I was just reading about Oscar Wilde and his gayness and then it went on to talk about Walt Whitman. Crazy. I guess you don't really think about people in history being gay when they don't come out and say it since I'm so used to it being open nowadays. But anyway.

I got some more books on cd to listen to when I'm going to my Grandma's house this weekend. The Turn of the Screw and The Scarlet Letter and more. We shall see. I am a terrible person for not reading more. And I've got to start The Brothers Karamazov.