Thursday, May 08, 2008

Well off to a good start

Hey I've only been off a week, but already I've read three books! Granted they were all on the shorter side, but still.

1. The History Boys - Alan Bennett
This is one of my favorite movies and so my roommate bought the play for me for my birthday. I don't know, I am not big on plays, personally. This one was good mostly to see the differences between the play and the movie, but I need prose. The delivery in the movie is so excellent that I just hear their voices when I read the play. This sounds so negative, but I did really like it.

2. Maurice - E. M. Forster
Another book that I have seen the movie of with my roommate. I highly recommend both. This book deals with homosexuality in early 20th century England and so it was not even published until the 1970s. But it is really quite excellent. I read A Passage to India in high school and never liked it that much, but I recently read Howards End and really enjoyed it so I decided to give Forster another go. I must not be a huge fan of imperialism, because I really like his other works. Howards End is about social class conflict in England and there is really nothing I like better. Forster deals with controversy very nicely I think. I really wanted to annotate this book, but I couldn't since it belonged to the library. Anyway, it is about one man's struggle to overcome his homosexuality in a time and society that definitely did not accept it. And it is beautiful, that is all.

3. The Awakening - Kate Chopin
Yeah this one has been on my list for a longgg time. I finally picked it up because I needed something to read on the train that was small enough to fit in my purse. Kate Chopin is awesome! I like that her stories are all about women finding themselves and ditching their husbands. Always a good topic. But the book is really beautiful and Edna is a really interesting character. Although I think that the end is not really a victory. It seems like more of a cop-out. I will not give it away, but the more I think about, the less satisfactory I find it.

4. White Teeth - Zadie Smith
Only 100 pages in. Will discuss more later.

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