Tuesday, June 20, 2006


I know, I know. It's been a long time. But I don't think a single person reads this so it doesn't matter that much. If you are reading, comment, I don't care who you are.

Book 5: Catch 22 by Joseph Heller

This took me forever, sadly. Listening to it that is, reading it did not take long at all. But I guess I had graduation and everything. And my laptop is here which takes up my time at night. Eh heh. But I had gotten about halfway through it listening to it, and I took it with me to North Carolina and finished the other half during the two hour plane ride.

I liked it, I think. It reminded me of my boyfriend. He liked it. There were too many characters to keep straight. But the voices on the cd were fun. I liked Major Major Major Major. And the chaplain. And circular reasoning is always fun.

Book 6: In Cold Blood by Truman Capote

I saw the movie Capote a while back and so I had to read In Cold Blood. Maybe not the best book to read before bed. But it definitely solidifies that I will never ever be living in the middle of nowhere. That is exactly why it creeps me out. People sneaking up in the middle of the night and shooting me and there's no one to hear the gunshots. But it really is like a nonfiction novel. I like it. I'm listening to this one as well, while knitting and such. This will probably be one of the last audio ones, seeing as how I don't think any of the other books on my list exist on cd at any of the libraries nearby.

I also brought Middlemarch with me on my trip to North Carolina but only got about ten pages into it. I wasn't in the mood for it at the time. Or now either, I don't know. It's been sitting in my purse for a while. We'll see.

So yeah. Now I won't feel guilty about not updating. But it's so pathetic that I'm only on my sixth book of the summer. It's practically July! Sigh.

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