Monday, April 30, 2007

Update to the list. Only three days left until I am free to read whatever I want. Oh and it will be glorious.

  • Sister Carrie - Theodore Dreiser
  • The Bell Jar - Sylvia Plath
  • Mrs. Dalloway - Virginia Woolf
  • Whatever classics that I bought at a recent booksale but cannot remember now.
  • Looking for Alaska - John Green
  • An Abundance of Katherines - John Green
  • Possession - A. S. Byatt
  • The Egyptologist - Arthur Phillips
I recently discover And it is the most amazing thing. I completely adore it. These two brothers, one is John Green (see above), have decided to have no textual communication, only videoblogs and the occasional phone call. And they are both really cool guys. They like Neil Gaiman, Toothpaste for Dinner, They Might be Giants, the Mountain Goats, and their wives, who like knitting. They are intelligent and witty and cute and nerdy and just all around the best. I've spent the last two days watching every video that they've made so far. so, check it out.

Also, I hate finals. Le fin.


jesi said...

macky!! i am so excited for our summer reading challenge. let's make a giant list of the books we want to read (contemporary and classics, but let's go light on the classics since we both will be reading a ton of them for school anyway). i will work on it all day tomorrow because i am just SO EXCITED. and we can read them at the same time and then DISCUSS THEM!!!!

jesi said...

Yo, I want to read An American Tragedy too.

I think we should have individual, week-long challenges on different things. Like what you said. It would be sweet. And we can also make lists of things we think the other person should read but hasn't yet (like you think I should read Atonement, which I really should). We could even have like themed months..."Booker Prize Month" or "Pulitzer Prize Month" and then little mini challenges within, some of which would fit under that category.

Plus I have to read three books (one philosophy, one history, and one lit) for my DS stuff at Yale this summer (oh, summer reading assignments) so we could maybe incorporate that.