Saturday, May 05, 2007

First book done!

So I have been home two days and I have finished my first book of the summer. Looking for Alaska by John Green. I am in many kinds of love with John Green. And his book was good. I mean I think he is a good writer, but maybe it is just YA fiction that I have a problem with. This is the third book I've read about a kind of loser/shy kid who goes to boarding school and ends up making friends with crazy weird people and they get into these relationships that aren't really relationships and I don't know. I just do not find it to be believable. The other two books in question are Bloomability by Sharon Creech and Prep by Curtis Sittenfeld (a girl). Bloomability I absolutely adore and will not say bad things about it except in this context. They are just pretty repetitive. And they're all about kids who wouldn't typically go to boarding school, or scholarship kids or something like that. It just bothers me. Still good though.

Today I read the first three pages of Sister Carrie by Theodore Dreiser. Recommended reading by my American Lit professor. I would quote it, but it is downstairs. Perhaps later.

Also, I went to another booksale today. I picked up another dozen books or so. I think that I am developing a problem. I got some anthologies, one called Scribbling Women, which amused me. Nathanial Hawthorne said something about "that damned mob of scribbling women", complaining about America. I also got some Camus in French and a Booker prize winner and all sorts of fun books. I am thinking that I will have to open up a lifetime account to contain all these. I've already run out of room in my two existing accounts. Ridiculous!


jesi said...

does it cost money to open a librarything? also i am so pumped to read john green.

jesi said...

Aww I wish you would read it. Really. I don't know why because I didn't like it all that much but I'll be honest, I was reading it in weird interrupted fragments so I am not sure I got the full effect. I need to reread it sometime.

Lately I am totally unable to focus. Isn't that weird? I think I am not sleeping enough or my sleep is getting interrupted or something. So I am reading the last pages of Calamity Physics and I just cannot get myself to focus. I've been reading the past 20 pages for like.. the past hour. I keep drifting.

Also I hated Bloomability. I hate all Sharon Creech though. Ugh.