Sunday, May 27, 2007


So I started House of Mirth by Edith Wharton. Got 100ish pages into it but I decided that I should read my library books and take my own books with me to Alaska. So I put it aside, even though it was a decent book. More of the whole early 20th century class issues. I like it though, the protagonist is a lot better than Sister Carrie. So instead I am reading Parable of the Talents by Octavia E. Butler which is the sequel to Parable of the Sower which I read for Lit earlier in the semester. It is good, although I can't really say why. It's really critical of Christianity and organized religion and all these bad things keep happening and it's basically just really depressing. And because it's Memorial Day weekend I do not have to work so I have been doing a lot of reading which is nice.

Before starting Talents though I read the first chapter of Huck Finn and also fifty pages of Saturday by Ian McEwan. Huck Finn didn't thrill me (sorry Prof. Rohman), but McEwan is an amazing author. I absolutely love his prose.

I really need to decide which books to take on my Alaskan cruise which I am leaving for in less than a week!! Which books, but also how many. Does four sound like a good number? I'll be gone 12 days I think. I guess it depends on what books they are though. Saturday for sure, hum hum.
That is all for now, I just wanted to update because boy and I are sitting here intrawebbing it up.

1 comment:

jesi said...

No, that was Jane Tompkins, who is fucking amazing (you are talking about the essay "Uncle Tom's Cabin and the Politics of Literary History" right?). Jane Hamilton is all right. I will write about her tonight.

I am reading The Historian right now and you are going to read it too and love it. I LOVE it so far. Did you ever read Shadow of the Wind? It is creepy as hell just like that - like I was on the plane reading it and someone touched my shoulder behind me and I almost jumped out of my skin. SO SCARY. Also, as you will soon see in the entry I am planning to write about my literary guilty pleasures, I have a soft spot for well-written historical-fiction-based vampire books. I KNOW I KNOW IT IS PATHETIC BUT I JUST THINK THEY ARE SO INTERESTING AND CREEPY. PLUS THIS ONE IS UNCOMMONLY WELL DONE.

that was a long comment my apologies.